Interior cabinet secretary Kithure Kindiki has declared banditry the same as terrorism which is a serious threat to National security. He said what is happening in Marsabit is a fertile recipe for decimation  and what was happening in sections of North Rift Valley was terrorism, and it was no longer cultural.

“We intend to review our laws and term the activities in North Rift as terrorism. I know that I am going to have a fallout with many political leaders over this but I am ready for the consequences since I know that I have full support of the Commander-in-Chief,” said Kindiki.

“The President has told me he is ready to lose political support if that is what it means to end banditry and livestock rustling in various parts of the country. This vice will come to an end during the tenure of the current administration since it will no longer be business as usual,” he added.

He said the government has set aside Sh20 billion for a police equipment modernization program to tackle various security challenges.

By Mary Florah