Imani Ministries-Meeting Needs Through God’s Love

The Solar radio, Bibles and Biblical tracts has served as a key evangelistic tool of reaching out to communities particularly the indigenous natives. Now, many people tune in to Imani Radio via the solar power radios dubbed “mini missionaries’. These are special radios specifically pre-tuned to our frequency with complete Kiswahili audio bible and are distributed to very poor communities that have not been reached by the gospel.

By doing this, thousands of people testify how they have come to Christ or how their faith has been built through the gospel as ministered through Imani Radio. Mathew 10:17 says “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” and what a better way of hearing the good other than through the ‘mini missionaries’.

An Excited Member Of The Indigenous Pokot With A Solar Powed Radio.

Taking The Gospel To The Cattle Rustling Areas. Tracts And Radios Were Distributed To The Newly Born Christians.

Butaki And Pastor Rick Warren Distributing Mosquito Nets In Mt. Elgon.

An Excited Member Of The Indigenous Pokot With A Solar Powed Radio.