Throughout the year God has been really faithful especially with the night vigil Imani Radio & TV ministries has been hosting. Like every other month we hosted our last kesha of the year on 9th December with over two hundred people showing up for the event.

Our theme for the kesha was RUNNING AND ENDURING THE RACEHEBREWS 12:1-4 with the guest speaker being Bishop Nicholas Chepkoiwo who is Registrar of Finance in Pan African Christian University. A blessed servant of God who delivered the word of God, His message was very inspirational to many who attended the event, those who were watching live from Imani television and our social media platforms and also those who were listening on Imani radio; that saw many from the congregation giving their lives to Christ and they were gifted a bible so that they can keep growing spiritually.

Being the last month of the year we were able to appreciate those who have been attending the night vigil since the beginning of the year and they too went home with a bible.

The night vigil also involved worship experience in collaboration with different churches who led the congregation in worship and praising God. The churches we joined hands with for this kesha included: AIC Nuru- Kitale, Redeemed Church- Endebess, CITAM Church-Nakuru and New Life Fellowship Church-Maili Mbili.

It was indeed a blessing to host such a successful night vigil & Worship Experience. By far it was the best way to end the 12th vigil of the year. All Glory to God!