Kenyans will soon be scanning their irises and fingerprints to validate their identities when making transactions under the new digital ID.

President William Ruto on Monday said that the government is testing the digital identification system over the next two months before rolling it out to everyone in December.

“The digital ID, which has been a major problem to us for a very long time is now on testing mode for the next two months. I have been assured by all the stakeholders and the ministries concerned that by December we will be able to launch digital IDs,” Ruto said during the launch of the East Africa Device Assembly Kenya plant in Athi River, Machakos County.

The digital ID will be introduced alongside the Maisha Namba. It was set to be unveiled by President Ruto on October 2 before the government called it off on September 29, citing “unavoidable circumstances”.

Maisha Namba will serve as a unique personal identification number assigned to Kenyan citizens upon registration, typically at birth. This number will become their lifelong personal identity number from birth to death.

For newborns, Maisha Namba will also serve as their birth certificate number, facilitating registration in educational institutions, NHIF, and transitioning to an ID number once they reach 18 years of age.

It will also function as their Personal Identification Number (PIN) for accessing various government services, including KRA, NSSF, NHIF, and NEMIS throughout their lifetime.

According to the government, this master database will manage data for all registered citizens, refugees, and foreigners using fingerprint biometric technology, enhancing data accuracy and reliability.

On the other hand, the digital ID will be a digital representation of an individual, organization, or device, typically encompassing personal attributes, credentials, and authentication.

Maisha card, which will bear Maisha Namba, will essentially be a third-generation ID that will replace the current second-generation ID. It will have enhanced security features, including a microprocessor electronic chip with encrypted data, rendering forgery and manipulation nearly impossible.

The card will feature a photo image of the applicant, an ID number, a card serial number, biometric data, biographic data, residential particulars, and advanced security elements.

By Neema