More than 5000 United Democratic Alliance (UDA) delegates have authorized the party’ s presidential candidate Deputy President William Ruto to discuss, negotiate and enter into various alliances, coalitions and mergers.

The party’s Secretary General Veronica Maina said that this will allow Ruto to partner with other like-minded alliances, as he seeks to form the next government on behalf of the party.

“Today the party’s National Delegates Convention empowers you to initiate, discuss, negotiate and enter into any coalition, mergers, affiliations and alliances,”

The move gave the Deputy President the legal basis to show dalliance to the Kenya Kwanza Alliance that brings together the Amani National Congress party and Ford Kenya party. Other parties set to join the Alliance include Chama Cha Kazi led by Moses Kuria, The Service party led by Mwangi Kiunjuri and William Kabogo’s Tujibebe party.

This comes even as talks continue in the formation of Kenya Kwanza Alliance which will see Ruto crowned as the Alliance’s flagbearer. Following his official endorsement, DP Ruto will battle it out with Azimio la Umoja candidate Raila Odinga among other contenders.

In the presence of the party’s lawyers the UDA party leader accepted the endorsement and swore to protect the Party’s Constitution in the presidential race.

Ruto swore in the presence of the delegates. “I, William Ruto, do solemnly accept to be presidential candidate for United Democratic Alliance party in the National General elections to be held in August 2022,” “I will diligently serve the members of the party according to the electoral conduct of the party and serve the members of the party diligently as the presidential candidate,”

Ruto was endorsed in a motion moved by UDA Secretary General Veronica Maina. It was seconded by the first UDA legislator John Kawanjiku from Kiambaa constituency and Sophie Mekoye a party member from Bungoma.

“The National Delegates Conference hereby endorses William Ruto as the national presidential candidate for United Democratic Alliance in the 2022 General elections,”

Edited by: Chepkosgei Jedidah