Police in Nakuru has arrested the alleged ringleader of the notorious Confirm gang that has been terrorizing residents of southern parts of the city. Dickson Macharia Waithera alias Deco was apprehended on Wednesday following a night operation in Kivumbini area.
According to police, Deco took over leadership of the gang following death of his big brother ‘Biggie.’ Police say they belong to a dreaded family in the area christened the ‘Royal Family.’ The gang and other splitter groups have been associated with a series of murders and kidnappings in Nakuru.
Nakuru chief of police has said that they will not get tired of apprehending the gang members in the city.
Armed robbers incidences have been occurring more often in the country with the most recent incident that occurred when the CCTV cameras captured footage that showed a lady being robbed by six armed robbers. The lady was accused by the hooded gang minutes after 2 am immediately after she was getting into her house in Gataka Rongai. She had to drive in and after being overwhelmed and without many options the robbers forced her out of the vehicle by smashing the car windows with what appeared to be a machete and also pointed guns at her, visibly terrified she was led into her house where the robbers run set the house with valuables. The incident was reported at Kandusi police station.
It should be noted that the Kenyan police officers experienced a hard time, firing automatic rifles and pistols, foiled a bank heist in the western city of Kisumu. The standoff between police and the bank robbers lasted five hours, before officers were able to bring the situation under control, but failed to prevent the assailants’ escape. Officers were seen crawling through bank windows with their guns drawn, and a huge crowd gathered outside to watch the incident unfold.
A government official said a multi-agency team was going through CCTV footage to identify all those who entered the bank before the robbery began. He said police had a shirt in evidence that they believe might belong to a person of interest. They believe that person may be in their custody. Approximately 20 people, including bank staff, were taken into custody and police said they were looking to identify the owner of shirt officers had taken as evidence.
Cases of fraud have increasingly troubled many and deprived people of peace in various parts of the country today.